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Creativity Midwife & Coach for Soulpreneurs

 Bloom Guided Meditation



Preparing for your Meditation

For this guided meditation experience, you will need:

  • A quiet, comfortable place to sit where you're unlikely to be disturbed for 20-30 minutes.

  • Very dim lighting can make this meditation more impactful.

  • Keep your Bloom meditation journal nearby, and pen you love to write with.

  • Use headphones to listen to the meditation. Place your device on Do Not Disturb.

  • Optional - use an eye mask or eye pillow to cover your eyes during the meditation.


The full BLOOM experience - listening and journaling - includes a guided meditation (11:11 minutes), plus extra time for journaling. Start by capturing your state of energy, clarity, and mood in your meditation log for the day, then settle in with the guided meditation. When prompted in the meditation, return to your journal to intuitively capture what surfaced during your meditation. The music will continue, which can enhance your intuitive journaling experience.

This meditation is designed to tap into your alpha or theta brainwave state, which can feel hypnotic or different to other guided meditations you may have tried. Don’t worry, you won’t lose consciousness. You won’t ever feel out of control of your experience.

Bloom works best when you simply allow whatever naturally unfolds in your meditation. Try not to analyze or overthink any aspect of the experience. Approach it from a state of no expectations or preferences, enabling a feeling of innocent acceptance for each moment as it unfolds.

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more


move into your journaling after you complete the guided meditation above

In your meditation log, take note of everything you remember, in as much detail as you feel necessary. Don't overthink it. Free-write to begin and then once your free-writing feels complete, you have the option of using these prompts to reflect and explore further:

  1. What messages, memories or emotions did your heart share with you? 

  2. How does it feel to hold space for these feelings, in acceptance, without judgement?

  3. Where in your body could you feel these messages? Can you give them a colour? A name? A voice? What did they feel like? Where did they come from?

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